Departmental Committee
Gers Adapted Sport
LeAdapted Sport Departmental Committee of Gers(CDSA 32) is an association, a decentralized body of the French Federation of Adapted Sport (FFSA) at departmental level. The objective of the FFSA is to allow anyone with a mental or mental disability or with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), whatever their abilities, to practice the sport of their choice in an environment that promotes their pleasure, performance, their security and the exercise of their citizenship.
The CDSA 32, on its territory, develops, organizes, coordinates and ensures the promotion of physical and sports activities with its licensees, affiliated associations and partners
To offer
To offer anyone with a mental or psychological disability or with ASD, whatever their desires, abilities and needs, the possibility of living the passion for the sport of their choice, in an environment dedicated to their pleasure, their performance , their security and the exercise of their citizenship.
Develop the practice of Adapted Sport (licensees, trainers, disciplines, meetings).
Increase the supply of physical and sporting activities adapted to everyone.
Promote the commitment of people with mental or psychological disabilities and/or those with ASD, in taking responsibility within the life of federal associations.
To integrate
With a social objective, the priorities of the FFSA are to ensure: the maintenance of good health, the development of personal capacities, as well as better social integration
motor activities
Themotor activitiesare a set:
Fun activities, sensory stimulation, expressions, adaptations and self-transcendence.
Uncodified physical practices allowing people with severe disabilities to access meetings.
Activities promoting the maintenance of autonomy and the development of functional motor skills.
Leisure Activities
Non-competitive leisure meetings or discovery of a sports or multi-sport discipline.
Find themclubs affiliated with CDSA 32
Youth Adapted Sport
The Youth Adapted Sport sector includes the Activities
Physical and Sports aimed at all young people with mental or psychological disabilities under the age of 21.
From discovery to competition!
"I discover"
"I'm playing"
"I train"
Development projects
Multiple projects are underway:
- Organization of sports stays and internships
- Participation in the national program ofKnow How to Ride a Bike (SRAV)Adapted
- Shared Sport
Competitive Activities
The CDSA 32 organizes numerous departmental, regional and national competitions in conjunction with the Ligue Sport Adapté Occitanie and the FFSA.
Gersois clubs and sportsmen carry the departmental colors high throughout the region and France.
Sport Health
The public with mental and psychic disabilities is more inclined to suffer the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle. This is why CDSA 32 participates in several Sport Health projects, in particular we have integrated theCDOS "Active Clubs and Committee" label.
Projects involved aim to encourage and promote the practice of regular activity to maintain and improve autonomy.
High-level sport
Detection, support, follow-up in relation to thePERF Occitania.
Several Gers sportsmen are followed as high-level sportsmen, in table tennis and in basketball in particular
You can find them at the Global Games 2023 and why not atParis 2024!?
Sport and Handicap Awareness
Raising awareness in schools, colleges, high schools, companies and any other structure, around sports practice for people with mental or psychological disabilities or with ASD.
Animation of debates, exchanges and practice by experiencing disability.
Myriam Roussille Palladin
Thibaut Roussille
Nathalie Duez
Richard Bessede
Adjunct treasurer
Joelle Prudhomme
Assistant Secretary
Marc Thouvenin
elected member
Gregory Detruiseux
elected member